About Peacemaking 101:
A Fresh Perspective
“All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost; the old that is strong does not wither; deep roots are not reached by the frost.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
Perhaps one of these following quotes best describes you and your current reality as it comes to a life of faith:
“My heart tells me that God is real and that Jesus is a beautiful picture of God, but my experience with religion has left me heartbroken, discontent, disenchanted and in a space of deconstruction.”
“I would describe my experience with the Christian church as traumatic. Just entering a church triggers panic and anxiety in my core being.”
“Where do I even begin to untangle my faith from my religious experience? The faith I was handed and held on to does not match my reality or the God I see revealed in the Jesus of Scripture.”
“Even with all that I have been through religiously, something inside of me still desires to experience God in community, but I don’t have much hope that a faith community exists where I can truly belong.”
A Fresh Perspective is a 8 week conversational gathering where you can begin to explore a new way of seeing a life of faith and an opportunity to experience a different kind of faith community. This is an affirming space where questions, past experiences (good and bad) and current feelings about God, the Bible and the Christian Tradition are welcome and encouraged.
You may have serious questions about the faith you were handed but never felt comfortable to ask and explore them. Perhaps you have had a long sabbatical from participating in a faith community, but you find yourself longing for spiritual connection. Maybe you are just feeling a strong desire to be more intentional about nurturing your spiritual life. This may be the perfect space for you to bring your truth, your story, your questions and your hopes for healthy spirituality and spiritual community.
We believe that God is love and that we all exist in God. Love is a healing reality longing to bring peace into our hearts and into our world. Love can bear our questions, anger, pain, disappointment and doubts. All of them. We hope that by creating this space to explore a fresh perspective on faith, Jesus, God and the Bible, we honor Divine Love, you and the beauty of your story.
We designed A Fresh Perspective for:
The Spiritually Dissatisfied: Those frustrated with the state of their spiritual life
The Spiritually Disconnected: Those longing for healthy spiritual community
The Spiritually Deconstructing: Those who are asking deep and honest questions of their tradition but are feeling excluded and disenfranchised
Whether you have come to this moment with hope, anxiety, doubt, curiosity, skepticism or a combination of them all, we are glad you are here. We look forward to this time of spiritual wandering together.
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