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Peacemaking 301: 
Unacceptable Truth

(Re) Imagining a Faith Full Vision

Six Weeks to Challenge the Acceptable

The peacemaking path of Jesus leads us directly to confront the acceptable beliefs and behaviors that hinder human flourishing and destroy peace on earth. The peacemaking path is not a journey to heaven but a journey into the injustices, pain and hopelessness of this world. Download the app and take six weeks to explore how your faith can bring hope and healing into your local community and around the world. Jump into the next Unacceptable Truth conversation group to work through the material in community.  

Spiritual Emptiness

Peacemaking spirituality seeks to replace spiritual emptiness with spiritual vitality. 

Woman and Dog on Hike

Spiritual Vitality

Inclusion and Affirmation

Fear of the Other

Peacemaking spirituality seeks to replace fear of the other (racism, sexism, homophobia) with inclusion and affirmation. 


Peacemaking spirituality seeks to replace poverty with physical and financial flourishing. 




Education and


Peacemaking spirituality seeks to replace illiteracy with education and opportunity. 

Modern Day Slavery

Peacemaking spirituality seeks to replace modern day slavery with freedom and restoration. 


Freedom and

Download the App to get the weekly materials free!

You will find all of the videos and reading material under the "Peacemaking" section in the free Crossroads Colorado App.

Connect and engage with the Crossroads network of peacemakers! In the app you can connect with groups, donate, register for events, access weekly talk notes, watch or listen on demand and stay up to date with the latest programming. 

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